
The Blind Men and the Elephant

now, i'll tell you a story about The Blind Men and the Elephant.

Long long ago,there were four blind men trying to know what the elephant look like.

So,the first man approached the elephant,and touched the side of the elephant.He said:"the elephant is just like a WALL."

Then the second blind man began to touch the elephan't nose,and he said:"no,no!The elephant is very like a SNAKE!"

The thind man chanced to touch the ear,said:"both of you are wrong! The elephant is clearly like a great FAN!"

The last blind man reached out his eager hand, and felt about the knee of the elephant,said:"the elephant is like a TREE!"

The four blind men quarreled without end, all insisting that the part they had felt was the true shape of an elephant. But we all konw,noone of them were right.


